They are practicing dances in school for the summer concert. She came and told me and i was like okey ... I donot want to talk about that and create the tension which made her quit last time . But I let her dance of her own but never talked about it. Instead I was telling all about confidence and all hoping words. We were practicing how to behave in the stage and how to come out from shyness. Everyday we used to tell try,try no shy, no cry for atleast 50 times. We used to practive slokas, co,oring,story telling.. The day came. June 16th. She also told me Ms chandrika told her to be a substitute for thank you speech. I know the reason.Last time she did not do the welcome speech . I told her it's okey but yet you can practice that. she did. I told her how to stand stright without dancing . she practiced it . I crossed my fingers and took her to school and did not talk about it at all. Al kids dressed up. In the age when she started dancing I was relieved. But the way she danced really make my eyes wide not only mine , all parents ... For the thank you speech when the other kids refused , she said I can do it.... the words really took me to some other world. She told the thank you speech without dance , with her chest straight ... I was like a very very proudful mommy. Everybody said very nice swetha ... the whole class was talking about swetha the whole day...
What else I need .. Hope she'll continue the same for balavikas competition . Love you swetha. love u so so much
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