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Friday, June 18, 2010

swetha's leg Brain

Now a days to do any work if swetha's not willing I will tell her , see you are growing and brain is growing too. U have lot of potential to do. If you practice you can do it. Try try no shy no cry ... practice makes a man perfect and things like that. She'll also yes amma I am growing .. Yesterday and today she was telling amma do u know my leg brain.It's growing a lot. I was like .. what ? Then sat down , pulled her pants up , showed her thighs and told me see amma my leg brain is growing... I was trying to explain her a lot that brain is not there but in vain.. I was laughing laughing laughing with her ...she' still thinking that the brain is a visible thing in the body. It's okey for me now. She'll know later . So far it works for me to get the jobs done ..

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